Coffee of the Month: Microlot feature Cantagallo

Posted by Ashley Fleming on

Featured this month, we have a returning micro lot from Nicaragua: the single origin, Cantagallo. 

Located in the  northern mountains of Nicaragua, in the community of San Jeronimo, are the coffee producers of the Héroes y Mártires de Cantagallo Cooperative. Founded in 1983, the cooperative has been producing high quality coffee for 36 years now and it is our privilege to deliver to you the product of 116 small scale farmers. 

The cooperative’s coffee fields are found in the subregion of Cantagallo, which translates to singing rooster in English. A story has been passed down by generations explaining why the region is called Cantagallo, saying that a rooster would sing at midnight and at midday during holy week on one of the hills, but whoever would try to look for him would not find him. 

When the cooperative was founded in 1983,  the coffee harvest they produced was only sold locally to street vendors, but in 1984 the cooperative joined the membership of the larger cooperative, PRODECOOP, who is a member of Pachamama Coffee. By joining PRODECOOP,  they gained access to the export market and are able to sell this special coffee outside of Nicaragua and into the hands of consumers around the world, like you. 

By purchasing your coffee from farmers directly, you make a direct impact to their community. Your investment in farmers is an investment in their futures on the farm and in their community. 

Cafe Director, Cruz Conrad describes “it doesn’t get much more name appropriate than this one, the Cantagallo, or Singing Rooster in Spanish. It’s one of those rare coffees that stands tall amongst the rest of the coffee flock, singing it’s wonderful melody of stone fruit, chocolate and almond through a morning cup”

Make sure to sign up for our Coffee of the Month subscription to enjoy special tastings like this.




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